Departments of Social Science Faculty

Introduction to the History-Geography Department

History-Geography is an official department within the Faculty of Social Sciences, which was established for the first time in 2012 under the auspices of the Faculty of Education of Sheikh Zayed University and then in 2014 was placed in the Faculty of Social Sciences. So far, the mentioned department has provided (524) graduates to serve the society.

Vision of History-Geography Department

The History-Geography department is determined to train such a human force through a high and quality system, which in addition to real religion values, would be the pioneer in the country's development, the guarantor of national interests, committed to national values, equipped with advanced academic knowledge and to have leadership and managerial skills.

Mission of History-Geography Department

The History-Geography department has the responsibility to provide professional and academic conditions to the young generation through the interdisciplinary system of higher education and tries to train such professionals who can help the society in solving social and political problems and take an active and constructive role in the development, unity and stability of the country.


Introduction to Philosophy-Sociology Department

The Faculty of Social Sciences became an independent in 2014, simultaneously Philosophy-Sociology department was established, which has provided (228) graduates to serving the society.

Vision of Philosophy-Sociology Department

Philosophy-Sociology Department is determined to train such a human force to its community that would be committed to national values, equipped with academic and professional knowledge and would have leadership and managerial skills.

Mission of Philosophy-Sociology Department

The Philosophy-Sociology Department is determined to train such professionals who can understand, analyze and solve social problems according to the socio-cultural conditions of Afghan society and to take active and constructive part in the development, unity and stability of the homeland.

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